Signing into MyRichmond with a passkey

  1. Visit the Login Page:
  2. Enter Email Address:
    • Locate the field labeled “Email Address” on the login page.
    • Type in the email address associated with your account.
  3. Verify with your Passkey:
    • The system will prompt you to set up a new passkey. Typically, you can choose the “Windows Hello” option and use your personal Windows computer to do so. Windows will then prompt you for a PIN or password. It’s important to note that only your machine will retain your credentials — Your PIN or password won’t be sent to MyRichmond, therefore the City of Richmond won’t have access to your personal credentials.
    • You can also use a mobile phone as a passkey.
      If you wanted to use your mobile phone as a Passkey, select the “User a phone…” option, then use your phone’s camera to scan the QR code on screen (please make sure both your phone and computer are connected to the internet and have bluetooth turned on).

  4. Access Your Account:
    • If you’ve entered the correct email and associated passkey, you’ll be granted access to your account and redirected to your account dashboard.
  5. Remember to Log Out:
    • After you’re done using your account, remember to log out to keep your information secure.
    • Look for the “Logout” option located under the upper right account menu.

For more details, please watch the following video on how to login to MyRichmond using a passkey:

That’s it! You’ve successfully signed in using your passkey. If you encounter any issues or forget your passkey, you can use the Forgot password or lost passkey link to recover your account through email. Remember to keep your email account secure as well, as it plays a crucial role in the authentication process.